Wednesday, June 4, 2008

the declining singapore service sector

singapore is well known for its awesome service sector where people are served with SMILES. yes SMILES. but even as a singaporean, what i got was not SMILE, but SCREW U BOY I HAVING PMS DONT COME GUAILAN MY STORE.

i was at a cetain 24-hour store near my school today, and due to the overwhelming heat, i wanted to get a slurpee(OH NO ITS NOT 7-11 hur hur hur). u know when u get slurpee, u expect the blended ice kinda shit and not the liquid version of it in ur cup, hence i went on to grab a cup, and then try to release the liquid portion of the drink from the machine first before i actually fill my cup with the REAL DEAL SLURPEE. while i was doing this, this store-tender(bet she was having pms, or she got birdshit on her head, or maybe birdshit for brain, or it was her first day there) yelled BOY WHAT U DOING? ermmmm, i tell u what im doing, i do what everyone does, FRICKING TRYING TO GET THEIR MONEY'S WORTH OF DRINK!
she continued to bark "slurpee also want to play" and then complained to her colleague at the counter, still staring at me and making noise. i tried to reason by telling her what i was trying to do, but she insisted the liquid is as good as the ice. if thats the case, FILL THE MACHINE UP WITH COKE AND NOT COKE FLAVOURED SLURPEE LAH! she still gave me free tattoo sitcker thingy. WTF, U WAN ME PUT THAT ON UR FACE AND SMEAR IT WITH SLURPEE?! bloody hell. that the tattoo and shove it where the sun dont shine

imagine a foreigner in my position. he would have thought he entered a ******** of a country!
but we're not. we're nice people. probably the nicest in asia coz after screwing u, we offer free tatoos:)

this may sound like a childish complain post. YES ITS A DAMN COMPLAIN POST ALRIGHT, but try being there and getting screwed for nothing. u like it, i can screw u also. dont like, then dont complain that this post childish. apparently this is not the only negative incident that occured at this particular branch of a well-known chain. one of the guys apparently could not but jolly shandy because he was in uniform and its classified as alcohol AND he already showed his ic, showing he was already 18. how on earth do u get intoxicated by jolly shandy?! DRINK THE WHOLE FACTORY?! HIJACK THE TRUCK AND JUMP INTO THE MIXER FULL OF JOLLY SHANDY?! DAMN IT MAN!

one lady to spoil the name of this chain. how sad. the next time i go in there (if i ever do that again,that is), im gonna have more FUN if she is there.

its purple.


Anonymous said...

lol.. wah fierce.. ur post as long as huili's emo post sia

Anonymous said...

but different. mine not emo.

Anonymous said...

lac ah brother

Anonymous said...

we go there ke tan alr la. go burn her 7-11 !