Friday, June 20, 2008

Lussia vs Horrand

Herro people, we will be watching the super sexciting match between the Netherrands and the new version of USSR.
Venue will be at the MacD's at the Coast at the West.
Chiu can come in the rate afterloon to study the stupid Kem test ,then we stay there until rate rate , then can watch the match !

Peoples that are comings are ...
Nevjitko Singhinho
Quekinho Darevenko
Van K Heada a.k.a Ken
Van K Voicesa a.k.a Kyson
Alexandro Neozoro
Van K Groinso a.k.a Kenny

Yeste Minorres
Menano Horres


Post in comment if youre coming !
Lai lai lai!


Anonymous said...

since when i say i can come omg

Anonymous said...

don't care you.
youre coming !

Anonymous said...

Gwen menghan not coming
kenny (To-be-confirmed) (which i tink is not comingz)

Anonymous said...

only 3 turned up at last omg all the ps kias