Sunday, June 22, 2008

EURO cheeers 'n' emooos

German v Portugal
A fantastic display of football spirit in the 1st quarterfinal managed to see the powerful germans thru to the semifinal of the euro. They produce a POWERFUL performance to bring the cocky portugese down and earn a 3-2 victory.... wahahahahhaa....
For germans fans, three cheer and three cheer and three cheeer for GERMANS
(hip-hip-hurrayx3) [muahahahaha]
For Portugese fans, oooh welll, dun rub too much salt.... hahahhaa

Croatia v Turkey
Another 'fighter'display by the turks.... 119min goal from croatia, met by a 120min goal by turks to equalise.... wad can we say about that? Real fighter... (germans have to watch out lol)
For Croatia fans, (think quite lil) they are a team for the future, dun be too sad. give urself a few days to emo... can consult yeemo if nid.. hahahahaha
For turks fans (i dun tink we have any here so forget it)

FOR holland fans, told ya they peak too early, plus their defence were never tested, Holland have lesser heart. AND NO D. so sorry. come back in WORLD CUP 2010 as Nevinho have said.
For Russia fans(there is onli me i suppose), power la, guus hidink is a soccer legend la. wonder how he train and coach the teams de. Arshavin genius man GENIUS.

SIGNING OUT Arshavin новый гений

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