Sunday, June 22, 2008

Yeah baby Pink!!

Sup ppl Today i bring u all the superheroes of the amg academy for the very talented and expensive youths
Yes we are all prone to mutation and crappers are even more prone
throughout this tough shit life, superheroes have somehow emerged

yeah and hu else to start with but Kyson
the boy with the small body and big head still thinks his spiderman
but we shall give the title to him and despite being a speedie spidie, he was recently spotted sprinting down a field at a not so speedy speed.
Yes! it must be the weight of the head.

His sometime partner sometimes nemesis oil Rigga
yes after seeing his value skyrocket inrecent times due to rising oil prices
he assumed the role as oil rigga. Due to his ability to spurt oil from his amazing oil reserves from parts u dun wana know, he is identified as a very rare one. Killer move called the half time show, A treat for the eyes yes!!

And amidst all this craze, there emerged a superhuman.
Yes the one that is built like a singh, runs like a singh and has afro like a singh. Its nevin, its nevinjit Singh , NO!! its SUPERSINGH!!!!
Donning the wonderful colours of a purple cape, he likes going around biting people and sometimes raping them. Best during the night, he strikes with no apparent warning and often leaves his victims raped and in shock.

And of course everybody's favourite freak, the incredible freak!!
dun make him horny, u wun like him when he is horny.
His muscles harden at the most steamy of times and its not a nice sight.
often seen in only his boxers when trasformed. Yes its the incredible Frick!! He finds his arch nemesis in supersingh hu makes fun of his incredible E--ction.

Yeah ppl this is just part 1

and man i finally contributed!!!


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Anonymous said...